ICRA Award

At the meeting in Patzcuaro (Mexico), 17 August 2004, the Scientific Advisory Committee of the ICRA decided to establish the "International Conferences on Representations of Algebras (ICRA) Award". The ICRA Award is awarded at each session of ICRA for outstanding work by young mathematicians in the field of Representations of Finite Dimensional Algebras.

In this occasion,
there will be one or more ICRA awards, through which we intend to support young algebraists to achieve early scientific recognition and to stimulate identification of young people with the subject.

The award consists of a certificate containing a citation. The awards will be announced at the Opening Ceremony of ICRA 2022 and awarded at the banquet of the Conference. If present, the recipients would be expected to give a plenary talk. Award and citation will be published in the Proceedings of ICRA and widely communicated.

Eligibility: Any young mathematician, not older than 35 years of age (except to allow for a broken career), is eligible for nomination. We would like to invite all the members of the community to nominate candidates. We especially welcome nominations from groups that have been underrepresented for awards in the past.

To nominate a candidate, send an e-mail to: icraawards2022@gmail.com Please send a text of one or two pages, making a case together with biographical details. Please describe one or two specific, influential results of the nominee.

The deadline for nominations is June 15th, 2022.

This year the award committee is conformed by the following mathematicians:

  • Aslak Bakke Buan (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

  • Xiao Wu Chen (University of Science and Technology of China)

  • Karin Erdmann (University of Oxford)

  • Steffen Koenig (Universität Stuttgart)

  • Andrea Solotar (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

ICRA Award winners

  • Osamu Iyama (ICRA XII Award, 2007)

  • Igor Burban, Steffen Oppermann (ICRA XIII Award, 2008)

  • Claire Amiot (ICRA XIV Award, 2010)

  • Jan Šťovíček (ICRA XV Award, 2012)

  • Hiroyuki Minamoto, Dong Yang (ICRA XVI Award, 2014)

  • Greg Stevenson, Qiu Yu (ICRA XVII Award, 2016)

  • Gustavo Jasso, Julian Külshammer (ICRA XVIII Award, 2018)

  • Fan Qin, Simone Virili (ICRA XIX Award, 2020)

ICRA Award winners 2022

Rosanna Laking

Università degli Studi di Verona

The ICRA Award 2022 is awarded to Rosanna Laking for her work towards understanding bounded derived categories of finite dimensional algebras, especially the Ziegler spectrum. A highlight is her work on purity in compactly generated derivators and t-structures with Grothendieck hearts.

Alexandra Zvonareva

Universität Stuttgart

The ICRA Award 2022 is awarded to Alexandra Zvonareva for her broad range of work in representation theory, including influential results on silting theory and on stability conditions. A highlight is the derived equivalence classification of Brauer graph algebras that can be seen as the culmination of a substantial programme of research.